Video Transcript
Hi Everyone!
This is Nidhi from Pinnacle Works and in today’s episode I’d like to talk about the different ways in which we can put the branding or the art work on acrylic. This will help you if your award supplier or your branding person is showing you different options you would know which one is what. So one of them is a very popular technique these days is called laser engraving in this what happens is that acrylic we just laser just etches the acrylic and usually it looks better.
If it is done from the back side so if you see this whole artwork from the back side the laser etching has been done. Try and avoid laser etching on acrylic from the front side because it looks starts to look a little bit more dull and umm sometimes from an art perspective we would still do it from the front. But always try and have acrylic, laser engraving done on acrylic from the back side.
Then is called direct digital printing. This is one thing which is as per me changed a lot in our industry. Until quite recently, infact it was very hard to get direct printing done on acrylic But now you can it’s called Direct UV printing, Flat Bread Printing. Lot of different names are used for it.
Here the printing is directly done on the acrylic surface. And if you see there are areas in the middle where there is no printing. Believe it or
not maybe 10 years back this was not that easy thing to do. We would probably paste vinyl on the printing on acrylic and then do all sorts of things to make this you happen.
But now we have good technology to do that. So this is where the printing is not fully done, if you can see there are certain aspects which are missing and this is also printing directly on acrylic maybe you will have to zoom in a little too much but here this is a full coverage on acrylic.
It’s not just partly covered it is full edge to edge we have printed colour on acrylic. So these are the different ways that we can use to print an acrylic. Of course there are lot of other things that you can do interesting with acrylic. So go on and enjoy !
Thank you very much..