Many times we get award image’s like these. Customers want some similar looking trophies. Multiple small pieces stuck on top of each other to make a slim tall trophy. A great recipe for disaster.
The reason is deep-rooted in the quality of the awards and how long such an award will last. Ten years of working in this line I have seen enough awards like these come apart, some take few days or months but many come apart at production stage itself.
Awards should last forever and not wither with time.
All these awards are made from small pieces which are stuck on each other to make a tall award. However, the contact area (the area between two pieces where we apply glue) is quite small. In these awards, you have multiple weak joints which make the overall award quite delicate and weak.
A part of the problem could be addressed if a strong glue is used. It would make the joints very strong but typically these designs are done for low budget trophies or awards. They cannot afford to use good glue which usually costs a whopping Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 17,000 a kg.
The end result you get a trophy which is fragile and may not stand a long time.
I still remember in 2005 I got an requirement from a new customers in Bangalore for 500 pieces for a tall slim crystal trophy in a low budget. It looked somewhat like the one above. I explained to them that this would not work but for whatever reasons they did not agree.
I must admit that for a moment, I did want to take up the business as I knew who stacked these trophies (at Pinnacle we only stock our own crystal awards and trophies). All I had to do was pick up 500 pieces and engrave personalize and supply.
It would have been good business especially during 2005 when we were in our struggling years. But thankfully that thought stayed only for a few moments. They went ahead and bought these trophies from some other supplier. To their bad luck what the supplier gave was really bad and many pieces came apart during the event itself.
Avoid this disaster for your own awards and trophies. Next time if you are given these designs as an option until and unless you are very confident of your vendor do not select this style.
Hope this was helpful. Do leave me a comment below as I would love to hear from you.