The Big Difference between Cheap Trophies and Budget Trophies.

On an average as per Google search results, about 2900 people are looking for cheap trophies every month while at the same time only 10 people are looking for budget trophies.

It’s really surprising that someone who really wants to recognize people thinks about buying cheap trophies.

Cheap Trophies should always be a BIG NO.


Budget Trophies, Always YES.

If you give out Cheap trophies, then you are sending a message that:

  1. You have NO value for your people’s hard work and their achievements.
  2. You are giving out awards just because they need to be given and not because you really want to recognize people.
  3. Fundamentally you don’t care.

Some argue that its just a figure of speech but to me, it talks a lot about the intent of the Person/Leader/Company giving out the trophies. The intent and the thought process does trickle down and everybody gets it…. that this is a meaningless activity.

A cheap trophy is not just about money one has paid to buy the award. I classify any award as cheap if:

  1. The award looks tacky and unfinished,
  2. Award text is boring… giving no sense of pride or winning.
  3. Worst its not engraved or printed correctly and words are misspelled.
  4. Poor quality material and bad workmanship in finishing the award.

On the contrary, Budget Trophies are good for we all should allocate a budget for our expenses.

The budget could be less or more but the intent should be…

“We have less budget for awards and trophies but let’s get the best for our money”

But not like

“Let’s buy cheap trophies and spend the least amount on recognition.”

Over the years I have seen a number of ceremonies which are held in 5 Star hotels and fancy locations, but when it comes to Awards and Trophies, they want the cheapest one…. often under  10 US $.

Remember money spent on food and decoration is important but mostly forgotten sooner than we think. What is left behind of most recognition events is the physical trophy which serves as a constant reminder of what was achieved and how it was celebrated.

Its like all the memories of that event gets tied down to that one trophy which is handed out & if that looks cheap or its falling apart it will never be associated with happy memories.

In fact, most likely it will be forgotten completely for people don’t usually retain cheap trophies especially not on their desk.

Nidhi Jain Seth Founder of Pinnacle

Nidhi Jain Seth

Always a student…. Its life and its exciting, challenging and sometimes its really hard but its always

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