Green Gifts which are Full of Colours

Thumbs up award in green color

Green is in and so are the Green Gifts. In fact, they have been ‘The In Thing’ for quite a while now.

Often green gifts tend to look boring and drab supporting their image that they have been made from recycled and reusable materials.  So we set out to add colors and a hint of happiness to an otherwise normal Green gift.

One of the popular green gifts we sell is our eco-friendly gift folder which is made from recycled papers and is completely biodegradable.

We went ahead and added custom cut artwork in bright vibrant colors. Each element is cut and then pasted by hand.

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Yes, its time taking and slow process but the end result is amazing.

Once finished our folders look bright, happy and stunning. So go ahead and choose the theme you like or tell us your conference or promotion theme and we will design an exclusive one for you. Visit official Website of Pinnacle Works for more such information or mail us at

Doing our bit for Mother Earth. 🙂

Nidhi Jain Seth Founder of Pinnacle

Nidhi Jain Seth

Always a student…. Its life and its exciting, challenging and sometimes its really hard but its always

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