Excited about LED bases for Awards? Think Again.

This post talks about the disadvantages of using LED bases for awards.

Led Bases for Awards

Quite often we get a request to supply awards which have a LED base to light up the award or to engrave on such awards which our customers have sourced elsewhere. Unfortunately, we have to turn down both requests. We explain our reasons and most customers understand. So I thought about writing a Blog Post for this.

Following are my 3 compelling reasons why you must NEVER USE L.E.D. bases for Awards and Corporate Gifts.

1. Short Life:

Most LED basis have few months of life or in very few cases 2-3 years. It is electrical and is bound to get spoiled. Once LED is spoiled the awards looks quite bad.

2. Dependent on electricity or battery:

LED basis either need electricity or battery cells and both are not a practical option when it comes to awards.

3. Keep the recipient in mind:

Though I am mentioning this in the last. This is a very crucial point. We don’t know where the awards will finally be kept whether there will be electricity or a person who will change the battery regularly or not.

Considering all these points, it’s quite worthless to invest on LED bases. Hope this post was helpful and I look forward to your comments. My due apologies to people who love LED bases and promote them. 🙂

Nidhi Jain Seth Founder of Pinnacle

Nidhi Jain Seth

Always a student…. Its life and its exciting, challenging and sometimes its really hard but its always

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