Green, Jade, White, Black, Red, Blue, Grey, Star fire…… Confused with all the glass colours ??
What’s more confusing is that green glass does not look like green and white is not pure white.
This is one common question every one asks us when they are buying glass trophies for the first time. So here are the details. Please note that all of the following information is what I have learned being in the award industry for 16 years. I make awards and not glasses so if you want information on glass for any other application other than awards and gifts than this may not be the right article for you.
Green Glass Trophies & Awards also known as Jade Glass:
This is the most common type of glass you see all around you. It is called green or Jade glass because it has a tinge of green in the glass. Normally this tinge is only visible around the edges. if you have a large pane of glass and you cannot see the edges you normally will not be able to make out the difference between green glass and white glass.
If you are working with an award supplier and you do not mention which type of glass you want most likely you will get a green or jade glass. This glass usually comes in thickness starting from 2 mm to 19 mm. This glass is also available in 25mm thickness but it is not commonly available so for all practical purposes we do not consider that it exist.
Needless to say that green glass trophies are the least expensive of all glass trophies you can buy for this is the cheapest glass. Cheap not in terms of quality but in terms of price. Its the least expensive.
White Glass/ Starfire Glass / Extra Clear Glass / Clear Glass
All 4 names above are pointing to the same glass. Some are more prevalent in one country than another but they all mean same. This glass has a very very light blue tinge to it which one can see from the edges. Its not absolutely white / transparent so to say but closest to it. If you see from a distance it gives a reflection of white itself.
When we engrave on white glass the artwork radiates a slightly white shimmering touch to it which looks absolutely brilliant. When it comes to glass awards white glass is our most preferred choice as it brings the artwork alive.
If you have a very detailed artwork. We would highly recommend that you spend a little extra and choose white glass instead of green glass. Usually this glass is available in 5 mm to 19 mm thickness. I am not sure why it is called Starfire but this is a popular name used in US for this glass. In India most people call it extra clear glass or white glass.
Other Coloured Glasses
All other colours such as red, grey, black, blue are special color glasses which are available but not regularly. They are usually available in the thickness starting from 2mm upto 12 mm. Following images will give a good idea about different types of coloured glass and how they are used for making different types of Glass trophies and awards.
Red Glass

Blue Glass
In this Glass Trophy both top and base are made from Blue coloured glass. The Globe used in the trophy is however a crystal globe.
Black Glass Trophy
Hope this information is of help to you and it helps you make a more informed decision when it comes to buying glass trophies.