Strings of Joy: A Different Kind of Award

red colored string of joy with heart design

Creating images with one nail at a time and weaving them together with hundreds of meters of thread work…and finally many many hours later our skilled craftsmen create this masterpiece which we lovingly call Strings of Joy.

Each shape we select has a story to tell. A story of how everything is connected and how together anything is possible.

Our Strings of Joy have been used as special awards as farewell gifts or even gifts for special dignitaries. We have created them in all sizes and many different variations.

Strings of Joy: Growth with a Big Heart

A Heart as an award is not common at all so clearly this award is special and thus we have created one using strings of joy. The center award text can be custom made and finished in different styles.

Strings of Joy: Star Award

Award your Star performer with a Star Strings of Joy Award. Its a true testament of how one has to work simultaneously on so many grounds and directions and finally emerge as a winner.

Star Strings of Joy also can be a great team award as the entire image is created by all strings coming together as one.

Strings of Joy: India

Map of India created with strings of Joy. A country of billion people is beautifully created using nails and threads. We have created Map of India in many many different sizes and themes based our customer request. 

Likewise, with Pinnacle Works corporate logos, different states, and cities or just about any shape can be created using nails and threads.

Nidhi Jain Seth Founder of Pinnacle

Nidhi Jain Seth

Always a student…. Its life and its exciting, challenging and sometimes its really hard but its always

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