And the winner is …. a Shimmering & Sparkling ‘Swarovski Crystal Award’.
Our mantra at Pinnacle – We are in business to delight the Winners.
Winning is not easy and we work hard to make ‘The Winner’ feel truly rewarded when they receive one of our creations.
Swarovski Crystal awards are one among the many other creations we have created at Pinnacle Works Gurgaon to delight the winners.
Possibilities are endless with Swarovski Crystal and we have just got started. Our design team is always excited to add some Swarovski crystals to an award and make it Dazzle & Sparkle & our talented craftsmen ensure that the end result looks beautiful and dazzling.
Over the years we have worked with different surfaces and created myriad patterns with Swarovski crystals of different color and sizes.
We have created awards using under 50 crystals on one trophy and we have also used around 4000 plus Swarovski Crystals on a single trophy. And yes each Swarovski crystal is always individually hand pasted on our awards and trophies.
So yes it needs a lot of patience and a lot of finesse.
Some of our images may not do justice to bring out the ‘Sparkle’ and the ‘Wow Effect’ a Swarovski Crystal Awards deliver but still here are some images for your reference.
Swarovski Crystal Awards

Swarovski Crystal on a Plaque
Like we said we are only limited with our own designs and ideas. Here we have pasted Swarovski Crystals as a Thank You text on a wooden plaque. Bottom line we can convert any text or design on multiple surfaces in Swarovski Crystals.